I do not know anyone that has not eaten enchiladas once in their life. Therefore, I want to share with you my green salsa enchiladas recipe. Usually, when somebody tastes my enchiladas they cannot stop to asking me to cook more. In Mexico we have different kinds of enchiladas like as mole, green or red salsa. Personally, I like green enchiladas with red Mexican rice and black beans
The salsa is the secret for your tasty enchiladas. First, we are going to boil the chicken with a half of an onion, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of Chicken flavor Bouillon “Knorr”, and cook on medium heat. Meanwhile, we are going to prepare the green salsa. We need 5 grilled green tomatoes, 1/2 onion, cilantro, 1 Serrano chili pepper, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, and we are going to use 2 cups of chicken broth. Then, all the ingredients for the salsa go in to the blender. In a hot pan with 1/2 teaspoon of oil we are going to sauté’ the mix, and we need to add 1 jar of Mexican cream named “Cacique.” Next, we put the chicken aside, because it needs to cool to shred. Now we have the shredded chicken and the salsa.
The second important part is the tortillas. We need a grill, or a hot “Comal.” So we start to warm the tortillas to be manageable. At the same time, in another pan we heat oil for fried the chicken tacos. The oil needs to be hot at the moment to put the chicken tacos in. We put the fried tacos on paper towels to absorb the excess of grease. Then, we settle the chicken tacos in a baking pan, and cover with the warm green salsa, and Mexican cheese. Finally, with the oven heated at 450o we bake our enchiladas for almost 20 minutes or until the cheese melts.
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